Great Reasons To Invest In Real Estate

  • It is real (unlike wall street investments where you have no say in how the companies are run)
  • It is titled in your name
  • It can be leveraged, where a small investment, can acquire a large investment
  • It can be refinanced to take out profits – tax free! (I did it a couple times and took out over $200,000 tax free, and lowered my monthly payment!)
  • It can be improved. You are in total control here.
  • It can be depreciated. This is one of the most awesome tax breaks in the world of investing!
  • It can earn income and be expensed if held longer than 366 days
  • It can be paid for with other people’s money
  • When you sell, profits are taxed at a capital gains rate, many times lower than income rates. If qualified, a 1031 exchange provides investors with one of the best tax strategies for preserving the value of an investment portfolio.
  • When you buy right, apartments create great cash flow far exceeding any dividend stock
  • Apartment investments create a great way to save on taxes, and if done right, your tax bill will be lower than most other income generators
  • Interest rates are at ALL TIME LOWS increasing ROI
  • Rental units are in huge demand all over the northeast. Every 1% decrease in the home ownership rate is 1 million new renter households.
  • Over 36% of U.S. households rented in 2015, the largest share since the late 1960s. This is all about Supply and Demand. Rents can go higher, and renters will be plentiful!


Here are nine simple reasons why investing income producing real estate is an excellent choice for protecting and growing your wealth:

#1 Dependable Income Stream

One of the biggest benefits to income producing Real Estate Investments is that the assets are generally secured by nine to fourteen month leases which provide a regular and dependable income stream that should produce positive cash flow higher than typical stock dividend yields.

#2 Multiply Asset Value through Leverage

Another important characteristic of commercial real estate investing is the ability to place debt on the asset which is several times the original equity. This allows you to buy more assets with less money and significantly multiply asset value. $100,000 can buy $300-$400k in property.

#3 Multiply Cash-Flow with Low-Cost Debt

Placing “positive leverage” on an asset, allows for investors to effectively increase positive cash flow from operations by borrowing money at a lower cost than the property pays out. Ie. If a property generates a 6% cash on cash return were to have debt placed on it at 4%, the investors would be paid 6% on the equity portion and approximately 2% on the money borrowed, thereby leveraging debt.

Related video: Dave Lindahl on Confessions of an Entrepreneur

#4 Debt Reduced by Property Income

The debt on the property will be reduced by the income of the property’s net operating income, NOI. NOI is figured by the gross income less all expenses before debt. The NOI will sufficiently fund the debt payments thereby reducing the debt balance and creating equity.

#5 Inflation Hedge

Real estate investments have historically shown the highest correlation to inflation when compared to other asset classes such as the S&P 500, 10-year treasuries, and corporate bonds. As countries around the world continue to print money to spur economic growth, it is important to recognize the benefits of owning income producing real estate as a hedge against inflation. Generally speaking, when inflation occurs, the price of real estate, particularly multi-tenant assets will also rise.

#6 Physical Asset

Income-producing real estate is one of the few investment classes that as a hard asset has meaningful value. The property’s land has value, as does the structure itself and the income it produces has value to future investors.Income producing real estate investments do not have red and green days as does the stock market.

468 units in Miami on 26 acres

#7 Tax Benefits

The US Tax code benefits real estate owners in a number of ways including no limit mortgage interest deductions and depreciation accelerations that can shield a portion of the positive cash flow generated and paid out to investors. At the time of sale, IRS allows investors a 1031 provision, allowing investors to exchange into a like kind instrument and defer all taxable gains into the future. (See your tax advisor for full explanation.)

#8 Pride of Ownership

The right property in the right location with right tenants and right ownership mindset can produce a tremendous pride of ownership factor that is highest among all asset classes.

#9 Appreciation of Asset Value

Income producing Real Estate Investments have historically provided excellent appreciation in value that meet and exceed other investment types. Properties historically increase in value as the net operating income of the property improves through rent increases and more effective management of the asset.